The Customer Success Newsletter is a weekly curated collection of 4 Customer Success articles intended to help improve your CS skills and understanding.
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The goal of user onboarding is not to get the user to experience your product as quickly as possible. It’s to help them adopt new product habits, understand the full value of your product, and keep coming back for more. Ramli John of ProductLed (via Vitally) betlieve that habit-formation requires some friction.
Starting a community doesn’t need to be complicated, but how do you go about starting a successful community? What are the do’s and don’ts? Anika Zubair of Insided interviewed Kristi Faltorusso on her unique approach and gets her to share her secrets, learnings, and mistakes when creating her own community, CS Real Simple.
ESG has found from talking with many orgs that monetizing Customer Success is the pot at the end of the rainbow for many CS organizations. But what do you need to know (and do) before you find the gold?